Tablix Pagination - spacing between report header and column headers in PDF renderer.

Copper Contributor



Worth mentioning that I'm working off of Power BI Report Builder, but I think this is applicable to SSRS report builder as well. 


When I make a Tablix that spans multiple pages in Report Builder, the column headers are directly under the page header (literally 0px between them), which I don't think is the nicest looking thing. I'm looking to add a 'space' of 0.5" or so of whitespace when the table paginates. 


Things I've tried:


1. Implementing an 'invisble' (not hidden) static row with RepeatOnNewPage = True. This caused issues with my tablix border, which was set to 'solid' and would show on the 'invisible' row. Setting the borders on a 'per-cell' basis did not produce as nice of a look. 


2. Adding a hidden rectangle with RepeatWith set to my tablix. This works on the report viewer and .mhtml export, but not PDF. 


Has anyone had any luck with doing this? I don't mind a more complex solution if necessary. I can't imagine this is an uncommon issue, but my google-fu is failing me at the moment. page1 - Copy.pngpage2.png

1 Reply
I know this was last month post, and you probably already found a solution for it. If you don't, what you want to do here is, to have a blank row as part of your tablix, not by inserting a blank textbox on top of the tablix.
So, in your tablix, you have one blank row, be it as part of your tablix header, then in the 2nd row, is where your tablix header is. And push your tablix all the way to the top below the page header.
Another option, make your page header height a little bit bigger. Then put your textbox for your page header on the top with some gap. Either way will work (I think). Good luck