Missing contact requests on both sides | SFB Server 2019

Copper Contributor

With the new CU we were finally able to search for external Skype contacts and add them. If both sides add each other there is no problem with communication. 

The problem is that both sides aren't getting any contact request and have to manually add the other side to communicate.

If anyone has any experience with this issue and maybe a solution I'd be thankfull.


3 Replies



Hello Andre,


It is normal that the invite for Skype For Business to Skype Consumer can take a while to reach the invitee, workaround is to add them on both sides. This issue also occurs with SFB Server 2015. There was an article that the invite can take up to 72 hours. 





Hello @AndreK95 

Did you check the "New" tab in the Skype client, the notification should be there


Thanks for the information @Erdem . I tried a few request on different days and sometimes I get an request and other times I don't. I think adding on both sides will be our way to go. 



