Skype Room System v2 Meeting join

Iron Contributor

Hi everyone,

short question regarding this topic. Can the SRSv2 join a meeting anonymous or is there always a federated join. I haven't found anything in the documentation. We haven't an open federation and see  the following errors when our Room System try to connect to a meeting that is hosted by a company that isn't federated with us.

1017; reason="Cannot route From and To domains in this combination"; summary="Cannot route between the source and destination domains because partner discovery is not enabled"; external-domain=""; external-type="domain-type-remote"; internal-domain=""; internal-type="domain-type-local"; source=""




2 Replies

Can other non-SRS Skype clients join those meetings from the same network?

Good question, i've to ask my colleagues but till now anonymous join was never a problem.