Skype for Business online SIP address in azure AD. Is it needed?

Not applicable

We have Skype for Business online and busy rolling out. There are 2 companies that have 2 AD forrests syncing to Azure AD with dirsync tool. (2 way trust in place)


Company one moved from Office Communcator R2 to SfB. Had some issues with existing SIP addresses not matching UPN's. Fixed that by updating SIP address to UPN.


Company two does not have any IM currently.


My Question: Will company two have any kind of SIP entries in Azure AD? 


Do they need any SIP addresses in Azure AD?


How do I see the SIP addresses in Azure AD? (I'm guessing a quick powershell something)


Thanks for the help

2 Replies

I think something like this will show you the SIP address on AzureAD users if there is any.


Get-MSOLUser |
Select DisplayName , @{Name="PrimaryEmailAddress";Expression={$_.ProxyAddresses |
?{$_ -cmatch '^SIP\:.*'}}}


I guess that if the synced userobject dont have any SIP address, it will get it after access to Skype for Business online is added. Not totaly shure.

Thanks for the help. Checking on someone that does have a SIP address in AD, the script below does not produce any details and checking PRoxyAddresses in AzureAD only shows smtp and no SIP values.