S4B desktop share protocals

Iron Contributor

As I understand it if we are running s4b on o365 and running the latest s4b client desktop sharing should be using the video based sharing now.

But if they start sharing control of a desktop does the protocal go back to RDP? or will it stay video sharing when another user is controling a desktop?

5 Replies

My understanding is if someone requests control the meeting will fall back to RDP, this also happens if the meeting is being recorded. 

It can also move back to RDP based on a down version client joining the meeting. https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Video-based-screen-sharing-in-Skype-for-Business-071affc5-5...

thank you both for the information.

This helps with issues we are seeing in China. I'm going to ask the users not to control each others desktop. They are mostly presenting so it shouldn't be an issue.

One more piece to the puzzle: VBSS (video based screen sharing) currently works only if you share the screen. If you share a single application, we will also use RDP.

The best article out there and really worth reading up on would be 