Why internal users are getting access request form

Copper Contributor

Here is the scenario:

A Diya.com user (User A) with full member access to a SharePoint Team Site (CorpFinance-Team) shared an Excel file with another Diya.com user (User B) who does NOT have access to this Site. This is normal behavior, this is why the Share option exists. Creating the Share sent the email to User B. User B clicks the link in the email and should be able to open the file directly from that link. It fails. It forces User B to the “permission denied, request access to site” form. This form then sends an email to Site Owner to Accept/Decline the request. This is not correct (this is the bug). The Share by User A provides the necessary permission for User B to access this file without any additional action by Site Owners.

To prove to myself I was correct, I went to a different doc library (DeleteMeTest). Let’s call me User D. I Shared a file in the exact same way with User E who has NO access to this Site. User E clicked the link in the email and the file opened immediately without any redirection to request access and wait for owner approval. This is the expected behavior.


Both sites have IDENTICAL Site Sharing Settings:

* Site owners and members can share files, folders, and the site. People with Edit permission can share files and folders.
* Allow access requests – ON (this is meant for someone who didn’t receive a Share in an email to try to request access to file/folder resources in a library they do not already have access to)
* Choose who receives access requests – <TeamSiteName> Owners

What is missing/different between these 2 Sites?


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