What happens to Files on Sharepoint for user who has left the company

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone, 


I have a SharePoint site in my company and I have been working on it with a colleague. My colleague has suddenly left the company, his user PID has been suspended and after 30 days it will be deleted completely. 

As we collaborated on the SharePoint site the majority of the files are within the SharePoint site, however, I am concerned that there may be docs/images that he might have uploaded directly from his computer/user profile and were not saved onto SharePoint.   


When his profile deletes in 30 days' time, if there are any docs/images that he owns that are currently on the site but were uploaded locally and not permanently saved on the site, will they remain on the SharePoint site or will they remove when his profile is deleted? 


Apologies if this is a stupid question or has been asked/answered before I have been searching and can't find anything but any clarity on this would be much appreciated. 


Thank you! 

2 Replies
If the files and images are stored in regular SharePoint sites, nothing is going to happen to them they will stay as they are.
The way you stated your request is all but confusing :p. IF files are uploaded they will stay. IF he has local files on his computer that were not uploaded then yeah those will go away with the hard disk of the device he had.

If you are talking about him having a onedrive account synced to his computer, and moving files to SharePoint, then yes after 30 days that account will be deleted along with the files unless preservation policies were applied.

Anyway, need to verify the scenario a bit where these files are located. If they are in SharePoint then they are fine, nothing will happen as Juan said. But if they are local only, they never existed on SharePoint so the account being deleted will have no effect. You can access these files on the hard disk itself for however long the device works :p assuming it's not encrypted :P.