Welcome Page of document set cannot be changed

Copper Contributor

I have a document set content type in a document library. When i go to customize the Welcome Page from the document set settings i get the following page and there are no buttons up top to edit the page. Has anyone else seen this before?




2 Replies

@klaw-shaWe also have a group that is using Document Sets, and they are all of a sudden unable to edit the properties of the document set while in the modern view.  If they view the library in the modern view, and click on the document set to open it, they can click on Edit properties, but this brings up a blank screen.  If they click on this screen to return to classic view, then the library is viewed in classic mode, and the users have to pick their document set again.  Once they do this, they can open the document set and edit the properties.  In the modern view, they can select the document set, and click on the little I in the upper right corner, and edit the properties that way.  Is this what your group is experiencing?  My group says this is a change from what they used to be able to do.  

Hello! @Donna Steinwand 


Yes this is exactly what we are experiencing. So I had to give PowerApps a try and that worked. It made creating the custom form relatively simple except it doesn't work at all with creating a document set in a document library. But if that's not something you have to do then PowerApps is pretty easy to use to make a modern form. At this point we are no longer using the classic form. There are obviously bugs going on. Like when the modern form does display why does it completely disregard what you decided to be hidden columns. And displaying a totally blank page is obviously an even major bug. I hope Microsoft works this stuff out!