VLOOKUP equivalent in SharePoint?

Copper Contributor

I am attempting to link separate SharePoint Lists through a lookup function. How would I set up a lookup column equivalent in SharePoint so a part number entered in a new row in 'List A' will reference 'List B', match the row with the appropriate part number, and pull the corresponding box number associated with that part number (info all housed in same row, separate columns)? *Please note 'List B' has at least 42,000 rows of data. Would this mean I would need to include indexes anywhere? 

1 Reply

@ldurbin in your lookup column in List A select the column in List B which has the part number then check the boxes for the other columns which you want added as well.


Note, if a column in your List B is a choice column you will need to add a calculated column and have the calculation as =[the choice column] and return the result as a single line of text. The lookup then references that calculated column. This is because a Lookup column cannot look up a choice column.




Los Gallardos
Intranet, SharePoint, Website and Power Platform Manager (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)