SPO modern communication site: fail to create page template, REST error

Copper Contributor



I'm building a SharePoint online modern communication site, but when I try to save a page as template or publish a page using defined page templates which were saved before, it gives me the following error and some "trash" page (when opened, it shows "Sorry, something went wrong  NoComponentId") are added to my page library:


REST error Error with code -2147024809, System.ArgumentException due to Inner-Message: Value does not fall within the expected range. Exception-Message: [HTTP]:400 - Bad Request [CorrelationId]:e3c3a69f-a019-b000-a2dc-4a074ad75594 [Version]: at Error: Inner-Message: Value does not fall within the expected range. Exception-Message: [HTTP]:400 - Bad Request [CorrelationId]:e3c3a69f-a019-b000-a2dc-4a074ad75594 [Version]: at new t (https://modern.akamai.odsp.cdn.office.net/files/sp-client/sp-pages-assembly_en-us_6aa2fc520591708ec0...) at Function.e._getOdataRestApiError (https://modern.akamai.odsp.cdn.office.net/files/sp-client/chunk.sp-pages-statemanager_en-us_e9b99b9a...) at https://modern.akamai.odsp.cdn.office.net/files/sp-client/chunk.sp-pages-statemanager_en-us_e9b99b9a...}


It works last week without any problem, I remember I changed the name of the page template folder this week, which may caused this issue, but I tried to rename back and also delete the folder and recreate, still got the same error message above...


Can someone please help me with this?

Thanks a lot!

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