SPO Migration Agent - Minimum Prerequisites Verification Failed

Brass Contributor

Folks, has anyone encountered this? Our server has passed the requirements, but when the agent is installing, it prompts with this error below. The server, is Windows Server 2016

spo err.PNG

And the logs say: 


[2023/05/26 09:51:18.646][Info][17]AssertMinimumnRequirements start
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.649][Exception][17]AssertMininumnPrerequisite failed
Microsoft.SharePoint.Migration.ClientInstallerLib.Exceptions.InstallerInternalException: Cannot find disk drive name
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Migration.ClientInstallerLib.Common.InstallHelper.AssertMininumnPrerequisite()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Migration.ClientInstallerLib.Common.AgentInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass34_0.<RunInstall>b__2()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Migration.ClientInstallerLib.Common.AgentInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass34_0.<RunInstall>b__0(Action action, String actionName)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Migration.ClientInstallerLib.Common.AgentInstaller.RunInstall(ClientMonitor monitor, InstallMode installMode)
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.659][Info][17]Send Install Event to InstallWizard. Event:{EventType:Generic, Success:False, TypeId:Install, EventId:VerifyMinimumnPrerequisite, Message:"Internal error: Disk error", Details:"Cannot find disk drive name", ErrorType:"UNKNOWN"}
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.661][Info][17]Received InstallEvent: {EventType:Generic, Success:False, TypeId:Install, EventId:VerifyMinimumnPrerequisite, Message:"Internal error: Disk error", Details:"Cannot find disk drive name", ErrorType:"UNKNOWN"}
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.661][Info][17]Processed Event '{EventType:Generic, Success:False, TypeId:Install, EventId:VerifyMinimumnPrerequisite, Message:"Internal error: Disk error", Details:"Cannot find disk drive name", ErrorType:"UNKNOWN"}'. RetryOnFailure:False
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.662][Info][17]RollbackAll operations
[2023/05/26 09:51:18.662][Info][17]Rollback 0 operations

5 Replies



We just ran into the same thing. I just opened a case with Microsoft support.

@evfdcs 6/13/2023 I can verify this. I have attempted installation on more than one system and consistently get the same error.

@facilityinnovations Hi, did you get an answer from MS on this? I am having the same issue.


Nope, no clear response from MSFT. I had to spin up a new vm with different OS to work around this.


I have just resolved this, checking the logs helped me scope in on the cause. I will not go through the whole process of how I figured it out (which includes things like actually decompiling installer files).

The reason in my case, which I suppose might be the only case this happens is that the installer does not check for a special scenario of AppData folder redirection. I suppose you have folder redirection (specifically for the AppData Roaming folder) which causes the setup to fail its checks because of an assumption that this AppData folder would be local (on C:\ drive for example).

Anyways, to work around this without disabling redirection, log in to the machine with a user that has no redirection policy on it or make a new user (like a local user) for the purpose of running the installer. Keep in mind that this user will be the one that the service will run under, so make sure it has acess to the files you want to migrate (as well as access to install the agent).