Sharepoint theme transparency across all pages

Copper Contributor

I've changed the theme of a test sharepoint page to immerse and added a custom background image, however when I try the preview, the background doesn't show through on any of the content. If I apply it then the settings site will display correctly as expect however, everything on the front page still has a solid colour behind it blocking the background completely. I've tried switching off each bit of contents theme colour to none but still get the same result. Obviously it is applying as its showing on the settings page however the expected result would be that this theme applies to all pages. 


Preview of expected result:


preview of expected resultpreview of expected result


Actual displayed result (Some content blurred for privacy): 


Actual displayed resultActual displayed result

1 Reply

Hello! You've posted your question in the Tech Community Ideas space, which is intended for ideas for the Tech Community website itself, not product questions. I'm moving your question to the SharePoint space - please post SharePoint questions and content here in the future.