Sharepoint Server Hybrid OneDrive User Profile redirect problem

Copper Contributor


There is a OneDrive Hybrid feature that can be enabled in Sharepoint server admin center that will update the Sharepoint OneDrive link (in banner) to O365 OneDrive and display a message in the Sharepoint server user's OneDrive about this change with a link as well. It can be limited to specific audience which is great.

However what is not stated when activating Hybrid OneDrive is that it will also redirect user's Sharepoint server profile/about me page to Delve (same when you click on a person's name in general everywhere it is displayed). It's mentioned in the more recent Microsoft Docs on Hybrid mode while not in others. I understand the automatic user profile redirect was included later than OneDrive redirect which is probably the reason.


My problem is the following: 

1- Sharepoint server user attributes not present in AD obviously don't replicate to Delve, which means I would have to find a way to do so programatically as I certainly can't expect users to manually duplicate their information.

2 - SP server Search will continue to return results based on the SP server user profile information in the People search vertical and not Delve. If users can no longer update this information in SP user profile because they can no longer access the about me page this makes no sense (or do I miss something ?). Does it mean Hybrid Search should first be enabled ?


Bottom line,  I'm looking for a way to have the SP OneDrive redirect to O365 only and potentially also set the SP OneDrive library to read-only without the user profile page redirect unless I find a way to adress points 1 and 2 above.

To do so my only option seems to be in overriding OneDrive link in banner by modifying master page with JQuery, but I'd like it to be changed only for a specific audience as the migration will happen in waves. Looking for guidance on this.


Thank you.


1 Reply
I was hoping for some advice from the community. Too bad.