SharePoint resources for beginners




I'm looking for some easy to follow tutorials, videos or walk throughs for the most basic of beginners of SharePoint end users.   I've clicked through to resources linked here in this space, but the very first video goes way beyond what I want to cover.  It goes like :


... create, store, and share content on the web [...] Build intranet sites and create pages, document libraries and lists [...] Then add web parts, like text, images, and documents to format and customize your content. 


I'm after much more simple stuff like how to actually work with files in the library and what all the commands and icons do. 


Is there a video walk-through of a document library in Modern SharePoint? Not about how to create and configure a library, but how to actually use it with documents, geared at people who have not used SharePoint before.


Like, how to upload a file, how to add metadata, how to switch views, how to see the version history and roll back, how to sort and filter, how to open a file, how to use the Modern interface to drag documents in a grouped view .... Stuff like that?


The stuff I found is either for Power users or it is for the classic experience.


Any suggestions welcome.


3 Replies
You may want to provision the Microsoft Learning Pathways site for your tenant. See You can explore existing playlists or build your own to create a custom learning experience for your users with the precise learning journey that you want them to experience.

@Susan Hanley Thanks, I'll give that a try. Are there any peek previews for the actual videos, or can they be accessed before installing the site? I just want to check it out before doing all that work.



The content comes from - but it is packaged in to playlists that you can customize. Basically it deploys as a communication site so you can provision it and not give anyone access until you have reviewed the content. There is a combination of video and text content. After you have reviewed the site and configured experiences to align with your goals, you can open up broader permissions and plan a communications strategy to launch it for your users.