Sharepoint - People part not showing new users

Copper Contributor

Hello all of you geniuses out there! 

I have a issue, we are using Sharepoint as a base in our intranet and we are using people parts with the employees etc etc etc.


The issue is that when I try to add a newly created user to the people part they are not showing up. I've been looking around for a solution but either I'm to stupid to find it or I don't know enough about it. 


If you have any suggestions, please let me know! 

Thank you! 


3 Replies



This on Modern pages? 

@Andrew Hodges Sorry, yes a Modern site.

Hi @Johan_Lundqvist ,


There seems to be a bug with the people webpart at the moment. Each time I add a new person a new empty person appears and hitting publish fires validating saying the person is empty.  I would say there is an issue with a code release. Report it through Office 365 Admin ticket, hopefully it will be solve shortly.