SharePoint Online - Validation Settings missing from a list

Copper Contributor

Hi All, I'm building a SPO list, and i want to use some validations in some columns, but I've noticed that when i go to List settings > under General there is no Validation Settings option.


Any ideas how to make it to appear?



Thank you for the help.





6 Replies

@Radoslavov91 What is the template type of your list? Is it general/custom list or other type like tasks/issues/announcements?

Also, do you have Full Control permissions on list?


Check below threads if it helps:

  1. Validation Settings Not Showing in List Settings SP2013 
  2. Missing Validation Settings Under General Settings 

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Hi ganeshsanap,

it's a blank list (no template is used), and I'm the only global admin for the tenant so i have full control.

@Radoslavov91 Is this team site or communication site?


Did you deactivate any site or site collection feature?

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Since the site where Validation settings option is missing is a Team site, I've tried to check in another site from the same type, and it is visible there for a list, Check other site and for some it is there, for others not. So it seems that it is not a global option that needs to be enabled but something on a site collection level.
Any ideas what that might be?



I had the same problem. You need full access to your Sharepoint List. I assume your SP list is connected to a Team in MS Teams? When you set yourself as an owner of the team you get full permission automatically. 
Or maybe you can set yourself as owner from your SP List´s settings. With full permissions you will see "Validation Settings"



@DeceptiQuang @Radoslavov91 


You can also try using the direct URL in below format to access list validation settings:


Where anything after List= is the GUID of list which you can get from list settings page like: 

ganeshsanap_0-1691056901724.pngTry using account with Full Control permissions at list level.

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