SharePoint Online - Settings Gear missing from multiple tenants

Copper Contributor

Today April 20, 2023 every client tenant I have checked this morning is missing the "Gear" icon for settings in SharePoint Online. Anyone else seeing this issue. I heard that going to ".../_layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx" page will show the icon, but no luck yet. Any other workarounds or word from Microsoft on ETA for fix?

15 Replies
We have this issue as well.
We are having the same issue in our tenants. Not sure if it is linked to the below known issue.
I am also not seeing any "Apps" when logging in via ""
Definitely looks like it's related to that alert - I am seeing issues across every tenant I have checked - none are presenting the icon and they are showing other issues as well.

Any insight as to when this will be repaired.  It's been hours now - haven't seen an updated announcement from Microsoft. 


Latest update appears to be 10:05AM US Central - they have identified it as being primarily in N. America and S. America - no ETA on "fix" or restoration of full service
I see others are having issues with the Gear; same as us. However ours worked until just recently which appears when others are getting them back. Additionally we noticed the search in SharePoint Online doesn't seem to be functioning, though I don't see anyone else mentioning that.
Good point...although the first observed issue was the "Gear" - there is other service degradation - I am seeing other problems in SharePoint Online. In fact, it appears there were issues starting to emerge a few days ago. You are not alone, others are also reporting degraded service across the SharePoint Online service from not being able to get to sites or other content and other issues. I'm seeing an issue with just the where I am not seeing any of my Apps

@Jamie Zingaro @This_Mike_Anderson @SpiShane @Christine2000 @TStrutt 


This is an issue from Microsoft end effecting few of the Microsoft 365 apps or services. 


Check my response on this thread for more details about this incident and latest updates: SharePoint Settings Gear Missing (screenshot of incident details & update included for users who don't have access to M365 admin center).


Hopefully Microsoft will resolve this issue soon and roll out SharePoint SharePoint update with fixes to all the SharePoint tenants.

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For SharePoint/Power Platform blogs, visit: Ganesh Sanap Blogs

The search bar is also down for my hub/site collections.
Yes, I am missing the gear on our tenant 365 home pages as well, in addition to the search bar. Work around that seems to be working is signing in at but most of my users are used to using the office home page to access their apps.

@ganeshsanap I see Mark as new, but where is Mark as Best on here?

We got our gear menu back ~15 minutes ago...

@cjclaroUAU Thank you. But, "Mark as Best Pesponse" option will be available only for original author ( @This_Mike_Anderson ) of this thread/post.

Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.

For SharePoint/Power Platform blogs, visit: Ganesh Sanap Blogs