SharePoint Online Require checkout to edit files in library folder

Copper Contributor

Hello there!


I am currently having trouble regarding a library in Sharepoint online. 


I would like to implement a system where files within a folder in my library can only be edited once its been check out; however I am unable to do so.


I have already tried going to Library Settings -> Versioning Settings -> Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? -> YES


When I choose 'YES' it implements the check-out to edit feature on files in a SharePoint Library; however, files within a SharePoint library folder are stuck in 'View Only' mode even when Checked-Out.


Please note, I have SharePoint synced so that I have my files available offline as well as online.


~~~I'm the only one that has this issue, everyone else is able to check it out whereas I can only read the files. I don't believe its a permission issue as I am also the owner of the site compared to everyone else who can edit the document once checked out.


Can I please get a solution regarding this; whether it be via library settings, or a step-by-step solution using power automate flow, etc.


Thank you so much!

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