Sharepoint online calendar app in new experience datetime field value changes in Edit form

Copper Contributor

Calendar app in new experience - Editing an event, the date & time changes when the Site TimeZone and User Timezone are different. 


  • Set the timezone of the Site different from the user time zone. 
    • Assume user time zone is GMT+3
    • Set the Site Timezone to GMT+10
  • Add the Calendar app to the site which will open in classic experience by default

  • Go to List Settings -> Advanced Setting -> List Experience = New Experience
  • Go to All Events view -> New -> Add a new event with Start time as 9:00 AM and End time as 10:00 AM. In the view, the event time will be shown as 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM correctly
  • Right click on the list item -> Edit
    • The start date changes to 4:00 PM and end date to 5:00 PM (it adds the different between user time and site timezone) 
  • Save the form. Now, the will show 4:00 PM and 5:00PM. Edit the form again and it adds 7 hours. 

    Note: If I create a normal list and add 2 date fields, it doesn't automatically change when editing. 
    Is there any way to fix this issue?
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