SharePoint Online: Add an boolean refiner to classical search

Brass Contributor

Hi all,


we've implemented an boolean archive flag that marks archived files with yes.

Now I want to add a refiner to classical search to show:

- not archived

- archived

- both


My problem is that for the "not archived" case I need something like "Show me all files with archive flag equals false or not defined".

Is it possible to implement this with a simple approach? My internet research doesn't give me a helpful answer.


Thanks for any advice,




2 Replies

@Ingrid SchieleAFAIK SharePoint boolean or Yes/No fields cannot hold empty values. During column creation you always have to set a default value . Could you check what is the default value for that column, maybe its already set to NO?


Only scenario for empty values can be if the yes/no field was added to the list at a later point of time and then the existing items will have empty values. Is that the case here?

Thanks for reply, unnie. Sorry for the late response. I didn't receive a message that theres a reply for my post.

Yes, the field was added to library at a later point of time.
That means if I want to use this Refiner I have to update all existant files?
I don't want to do that because the files becomed modified and the user are confused why. They're just interested in changes of file content not Metadata :-).
Is there a way to change the metadata without effect on the modify date?