Dec 20 2017 01:46 PM
Since the latest updates we received this week, the modern pages seem to have some kind of "lazy load" thing going on. Anyone know anything about it, or if there is any way to "disable" it?
It is causing some of our SPFX and custom web parts to not work quite right. Loading blank pages, until the user starts to scroll down.
Dec 20 2017 02:51 PM
Dec 21 2017 06:09 AM
Jul 20 2020 02:04 AM
I came across this old post after some googling, but are you still experiencing this? I still see lazy loading in modern pages today and as you mentioned it messes with some custom web parts.
Strangely, I don't see the same lazy loading in a target release tenant, only in a standard release tenant.
Jul 22 2024 06:17 PM