SharePoint Managed properties subsites

Copper Contributor

Hello people,


I have the following situation, I created a subsite, and I added a column that I need to use in the managed properties in the refinable string, but opening the option in the subsite, all is disabled (I have full control of the page. ) 





Test or communities schema configuration:



Should I do it in the parent site?  Any idea? 


Thank you in advance !! 




6 Replies

Hello @felipewltc


you need to configure the search schema in your SharePoint Admin Center under


Regards, Dave

So if I cannot access sharepoint admin center, i would not be able to do it, correct?

Hello @felipewltc


when you are an Sitecollection administrator, you can map or create managed properties on this level But i recommend to configure managed properties on tenant level.


Regards, Dave

Yes, I can created and do all that, but in the site I am admin of, using the subsite all is disable and I cannot change the information or edit within the columns insite of the subsite

Hi @felipewltc


yes, this settings are only available on site collection level, not on site level...




In your case: is it possible to create site columns? so you can use this kind of columns also in your subsite. 


Regards, Dave

No, I need to create those colunns just in the subsite and use them there, cannot add those columns in the general site