SharePoint List Edit in Grid View and Required Columns

Copper Contributor

Starting last week, Edit in grid view will only function if all the required fields have data and are in the View.  Previously the fields did not have to be in the View.  


Is this change permanent and intentional?  

2 Replies

@Amanda Bordelon 

Hi,  is there a way around this? 

our users started struggling because of this new change and I was wondering if there is a way around it?

I saw some stuff on the internet where they say we can go around this by changing multiple lines setup to plain text instead of rich text, but I could not find this setting at the column level for multiple lines or single lines.

@Sawsanbwalk -We had to change the columns to Not Required so they could keep using the list.  This is NOT ideal and just a work around to keep moving forward.  We then applied conditional formatting to the previously required columns to make it show where data is needed.