Sharepoint List Calculation - Condition and Action

Copper Contributor



I am trying to sum fields based on conditional and matching criteria.  I don't know how to write the syntax.  Below is are the requirements of what the function needs to do.


  1. Determine if [Roll Up Line] is "true".  This field is a Yes/No Lookup column.
  2. If yes, identify the fields [Org Code] and [Object Code] (both text fields) for [Roll Up Line] = "false" and see if they MATCH.  If yes, go to item 3.
  3. Sum [Budget Requested] for all matching records.
  4. This is a subtotal of sorts.  The Grouping function is good, but I need to see the dollar amount whether Grouping is on or not.

For example:


  • OFFICE SUPPLIES (Roll Up Line = true)  (Org Code is 1; Object Code is 2)  Sum field is a calculated field
  • Pens (Roll up line = false) (Org Code is 1; Object Code is 2)  Dollar amount is $5.  This item would be included in the sum under OFFICE SUPPLIES.

So, a fake formula might look something like this:


=AND ([Roll-Up Line]="true", SUM [Budget Amount], IF [Org Code] [Object Code] MATCH


Terribly clunky.  Please help.


Thank you.


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