SharePoint Library Templates - Alot of Files Need a Way to Clean Up

Brass Contributor

I have alot of templates that we use for contracts as you can see below.   And by the way these are not all of my tempaltes I will have to add more.  Is there a way to clean up the menu so its a bit more organized by section one section would be lets say Physician, next one would be APPs and maybe even subcategories of Physician and APPs.  Maybe there is some way to accomplish this with JSON? 





4 Replies

Hi @VeeExcelLearn - you can add a couple of choice columns to the Library and tag each of the templates by their category and subcategory. Then create a view to group by category, then by subcategory. List and library column types and options (


Create, change, or delete a view of a list or library (

But when you put them in a view, will I use the "Template" capabilities. Meaning I cant go to the New Button, select my template change it and then save it to a new file and in this case a contract. I think I would like to take advantage of the Templating function.

@VeeExcelLearn Since you have a long list of templates, can you organize them into different categories and create a different library for each category to simplify things?


Unfortunately, I don't think there is an option to categorize or organize templates displayed under +New button into groups.

That may be an option I would have to create a library for every single possibility of variation Or try to figure out if I can use power apps to do this. I would have to roll up my sleeve to learn this