SharePoint File Migration

Copper Contributor

Hi Team,


I am planning to migrate files from a file system to SharePoint Online. The size of the files may even go beyond 250mb. We would have video files too.


I am from Java background and would like to know few ways of approach.


1. Is there any Client Java SDK to interact with SharePoint Online?

2. What is recommended approach for file migration? Is it ok to use Graph API or direct REST Call?

3. What is the recommended apporach of create the oAuth token. Should it be App in SharePoint or App registered on AAD?

4. How to migrate large files?

5. What are the best practices of building a utility to read the file system and connect SPO and start the migration?


We will not be using a paid tools.






2 Replies
Hi, my suggestion is to use PnP.NetCore SDK is the latest and more advanced. The SDK shifts between Graph and REST-based on the endpoints available. Also, automatic batching and paging of results and much more are built inside the SDK.
Thanks @Sudharsan.

The tool we are using is build on Java. Can the SDK supports Java.