SharePoint Dynamic Filter doesn't work when filter is used.

Copper Contributor

Hi Guys,

I had an issue with SharePoint Dynamic Filter function.

Here is my story:

  1. I have created two lists (List_A and List_B);
  2. I have added these two lists as two web parts on a SharePoint page;
  3. Then I applied dynamic filter using one shared column from these two lists and it works good. Meaning: when I select one item in List_A and List_B will only show items related to the item I selected in List_A. 

My issue is:

When I apply any filter in List_A, and then select any item from the filter result of, then the Dynamic Filter would not work in List_B.


Can anybody help to provide a solution?

1 Reply

I have the same basic issue. If you simply select an item in List_A in your example, List_B or in my case using an Embeded Webpart connecting to List A works fine. I'm using it to bring up a Bing Map of a Latitude / Longitude location and also look up a Document Library and Photo's library for buildings at a location. The Controlling list has the required columns and like I said, just selecting an entry works fine.

The code I'm using for the Bing Maps is Microsoft's own example
However if I use a Filter By on a column, or a Group By on the list values, then the Dynamic Filtering or passing of Column Values to the Embeded Webpart does not work (with the exception of the original Title column, $Title and any dynamically filtering that occurs using the original Title field (even if renamed) works on List_B or the Embeded Webpart).

So basically the bug is, that all other Column Values (except $Title) don't pass to the Dynamically Filtered Downstream items. 

Microsoft Support, can you please confirm this bug exists and work on fixing this? 

For me, when I select the control list row (List_A in the above 1st post), my Embeded Web Part in SharePoint modern simply errors out, VS what happens when no Filter is applied to List_A and you simply select a row.

