Jun 04 2019 06:17 AM
I have version control enabled on a SharePoint document library and I'd like the documents in the library (Excel files) to print out with the current version number. Is there a way to do this? If not, is this being considered?
Jun 04 2019 06:49 AM
Hello @SargentSynergy,
You can the Version column to the view. Printing the version number would come from within Excel and not SharePoint.
I hope this helps.
Jun 04 2019 07:13 AM
@Norman Young I want the version number from the SharePoint library to be available in the Excel file (visible on the Excel file in the header or footer when printed). The reason for this is so you can identify the document version after it's been printed off.
Having the version number (or revision date) on the documents is ISO requirement for many corporations and SharePoint should support this functionality.
Jun 04 2019 09:39 AM
Jun 04 2019 09:48 AM
Jun 04 2019 09:52 AM
Jun 04 2019 10:43 AM
@Dean_Gross Thanks Dean! I'll do that.
Feb 08 2022 03:32 PM
Mar 15 2023 12:34 AM
Mar 24 2023 02:59 AM
@Dean_Gross Can you share the script/code you used to achieve this please?