Set default sharing link to "People with existing access"

Copper Contributor

Is it possible to set de deafutl sharing link to "People with existing access" at organization-level? Didn't find this option at

Also, at this section, there's a note "This setting specifies the default for your organization, but site owners can choose a different default link type for a site.", but I can't find how to do it (as site owner, not sharepoint admin). Can someone help?

2 Replies

Hello @vivaneAA 


it's not possible to set this on tenant level. You need to go to your SharePoint 365 Admin Center, as SharePoint Administrator, and set this on specific sites. At the moment It's not possible to change this setting in the site as site owner.


Workarounds: PowerShell or Site Provisioning.


Regards, Dave


Workaround being PowerShell?  Haven't been able to find any info on setting this on a site level using PowerShell, then looping through each site.  


Any documentation would be great!