Mar 27 2018 07:08 PM
I am struggling to explain to customers why SharePoint search is so tricky to use.
If I am searching for a document called Annual Report, I have to search for "Annual", "Annual Report" or "Annual Rep* "
Can anyone explain why I must put a wildcard in the middle of a word and why doesn't SharePoint do this automatically?
Are there any settings I can change to make search better?
Mar 27 2018 10:30 PM
Mar 27 2018 11:02 PM
I agree.
So difficult to explain to users.
Why not use search like google instead?
the * should be 'implied' on all searches
Mar 28 2018 02:56 PM
Mar 28 2018 02:59 PM
Jun 23 2019 05:58 AM
I've only recently started using Sharepoint, but am very surprised by some of the things a user can't search on, especially in SharePoint Online Modern pages
Unless I am mistaken, SharePoint Online Modern pages
Item 1 should be addressed and rolled out 2020Q1(O365 roadmap feature 32738) but I've no idea when (or if) the other 2 will be dealt with.
Jun 30 2019 04:21 PM
Nov 08 2022 09:03 AM
This is still going on. Agreed that it should search for any part of the search string within any part of any searchable data by default. I can see not doing that for performance reasons... but I'd rather wait than not be able to do it at all. The fact that you cannot use a wildcard at the front of the search at all is very disappointing. I am trying to find 123456 in a bunch of files that might be named MN123456 and it can't do it. Seems this would be important enough to enough people for Microsoft to make it work.