Run two RefinableString on Sharepoint Online

Copper Contributor

During the construction of a page, I wanted to move up a document using two RefinableString: ContentTypeId:0x01010092B17010871B134E81631D4EC721B719* RefinableString208:"07 December 2022" RefinableString35:"Support" (merging the two Refinablestring does not work. He says, No Data. Using ContentType with a single RefinableString (both separately): ContentTypeId:0x01010092B17010871B134E81631D4EC721B719* RefinableString208:"07 December 2022", it works. How can the two RefinableStrings work in the same query?


Note that ContentTypeId:0x01010092B17010871B134E81631D4EC721B719* RefinableString208:"07 December 2022" RefinableString35:"ODJ" mer brings out a correct result. 

But with the tags support and minutes, I have no result.


Thank you for returning

2 Replies

Hello @Wmatsamangwa 


you can build complex queries with kql and operators like AND or OR:


You write that it works in one case and not in the other?

Can you explain more with detail description or PrintSceens?


Please make sure, that all content are searchable (major version, check-in, permissions...):


Best, Dave

It seems that when you are trying to merge the two RefinableString filters in your query, you are not getting any data. However, when you use the two filters separately with the ContentType filter, you are getting the desired result.

To use multiple RefinableString filters in the same query, you can try using the "AND" operator between the two filters. For example, your query can look like:

ContentTypeId:0x01010092B17010871B134E81631D4EC721B719* RefinableString208:"07 December 2022" AND RefinableString35:"Support"

This should return the documents that have both "07 December 2022" in RefinableString208 and "Support" in RefinableString35.

If this doesn't work, you can try using the KQL query language to construct more complex queries. You can find more information on using KQL for SharePoint search on the Microsoft documentation website.