RBS Installation

Copper Contributor

I am in charge of the RBS deployment on a SharePoint farm. The farm is comprised of a SQL Server 2008 database server and two SharePoint servers. You need to implement RBS because next year you want to migrate to AZURE and you need to reduce the size of the database that already reaches a size of 4TB. The recommended process has been followed at the link https://alberthoitingh.com/2012/02/07/sharepoint-2010-and-remote-blob-storage-part-1/. Step 1 "Enable RBS by setting up an encryption key and databases" was successful. In step 2 "Install File stream" the installation on the SQL Server was successful, but on the two SharePoint servers, on the first server the installation was successful, but on the second SharePoint servers You get the error





Action start 17:57:10: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (EC: B4) [17: 57: 10: 823]: Product: SQL Remote Blob Storage - Error 2711. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2711. The specified Feature name ('FilestreamClient') not found in Feature table.

Error 2711. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2711. The specified Feature name ('FilestreamClient') not found in Feature table.
Action ended 17:57:10: CostFinalize. Return value 3.
Action ended 17:57:10: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property (S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property (S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
MSI (s) (EC: B4) [17: 57: 10: 854]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: SQL Remote Blob Storage. Product Version: 10.4.6000.29. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 1603.

MSI (s) (EC: B4) [17: 57: 10: 854]: Deferring clean up of packages / files, if any exist
MSI (s) (EC: B4) [17: 57: 10: 854]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (EC: C0) [17: 57: 10: 854]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.




Trying to ignore the error and try to continue with step 3 the error occurs:




Exception calling "Enable" with "0" argument (s): "SQL remote blob storage must be installed on each web front end server and on the content database before may be used".




Could someone help me in solving the error in the installation on Web Front server 2. I have gone through a lot of documentation and have not found the solution. I would greatly appreciate if you can help me.


Thank you

1 Reply

I would suggest not using RBS. RBS was designed for WSSv3 farms upgrading to 2010 with SQL Express. When WID was used on previous versions of SharePoint, it allowed for >4GB data file sizes, which SQL 2008 Express was limited to (later 10GB for 2012 Express).

Content databases with RBS enabled are hard capped at 200GB (database size + RBS content). If the stated goal is reducing a database below a 4TB size, you're already well outside the maximum supported size for an RBS-database.


In addition, Azure supports very large disks, well in-excess of 4TB so that alone wouldn't be a motivator for reducing database size.




Based on the error for the MSI, you should look at re-downloading the RBS MSI package. It seems like it may be corrupt.