Quick chart Webpart not working with limited access items

Copper Contributor

i have a private sharepoint list. 

if i share specific items to an user, they can open the list url & view all individually shared items in the list view. The other items are hidden. So far so good.


But now i have created a Site Page with an Quick chart pointing to that List & shared this page to multiple users. 

Instead of just showing the chart with the items this users have access they get this error message: "You don't have permission to view the list data that is used as the data source for this chart."


Is the Quick chart webpart not supporting limited access items?

How to accomplish that?


2 Replies
My understanding is reading the propose of a OOTB WebPart first then use it.

"Use the Quick chart web part to add simple, basic charts to your page. Enter your data points or get data from a list or library, add labels, pick your chart type (column or pie), and publish."

Maybe you will need a custom made webpart
Looks like the default Quick Chart WebPart is not supporting this behavior. i found this spfx WebPart that works: https://github.com/pnp/sp-dev-fx-webparts/tree/main/samples/react-modern-charts