Public Folder Migration to SharePoint Online

Iron Contributor



I am using SharePoint High Speed Migration API to migrate public folder migration to SharePoint online with the help of following article


I did some POC from VM and able to migrate 10-12 GB/hour. However I noticed couple of things 

1.  It is keeping the createdDate, Modified Date as it is but CreatedBy and Modified by metadata always coming as Builtin\Administrator instead of actual username.

2. Thru script I uploaded 22 GB data which contains 1506 files and 1518 folders. When I see in Site Contents are showing 3012 items and re-checked each folder no files are missing. But when I see Storage Matrix it is showing 59.6 GB instead of 22 GB. I rechecked couple of total no of items are still 3012. Any idea why the storage matrix showing almost double size.

3. I also noticed you can not upload any files which is more than 2 GB, probably API limitation. How the third party vendor managing this limitation as they mentioned in their site that they are also using the same API? In real scenario we have so many files which are between 12-14  GB's file, how do we handle this?


However I also tried Migration Tool v 2, but performance is almost same and same 2 GB file limitations.


Then I create simple script using CSOM, I can upload files up 15GB file but problem is performance I got only 1 GB/hour migration speed.


Please share your opinion on performance and file upload size.



3 Replies
My 2 cents here:
1. The FAST Migration API seems to not preserve your metadata properly so I advise to move to the SPO Migration Tool or a third party one.
2. I have seen this also when doing some migrations and I have not an explanation about why the storage metrics page is showing more space occupied by the data that what you have OnPrem.
3. I believe is just a limitation of the Fast Migration API. As you have verified, for files greater than 2 GB you will have to use CSOM but then you will have the bad CSOM performance.

Thanks for clarification Juan.


Is there any way to migrate files permission using High Speed migration API?


Is MS Migration tool migrate permission as well? I tested but it doesnt migrate permission, may be I missed any settings, Can you please confirm?



Well, not sure if the migration tool preserves permissions you have OnPrem (For sure it does when migration from a SharePoint 2013 to SPO)...I have not tested that scenario, but the tool (and also third party ones) should include a kind of mapping so security is preserved