Product catalog with image and file attachments?

Copper Contributor

Would it be possible to create in Sharepoint a product catalog CRUD website? Something like:

  • List of products with some basic data
  • Each of them has more detailed view with its data and some images/videos/pdf files that are linked to this product.
  • You can also create edit and delete products


I was looking into putting them into a Sharepoint list but I don't see how I'd have this relationship of one product can have one or more images, videos or pdfs since a list document can only have many attachments but there's no difference between them which I assume would make showing these attachments in different places of the detail view and the creation/editing hard.


Lastly, would it be better to use powerapps connected to sharepoint list or sharepoint cross-site published website with the list as a catalog?


Thanks in advance

3 Replies
best response confirmed by mhornoloopers (Copper Contributor)

Hello @mhornoloopers


cross site publishing it's an On-Premises feature only: 


This capability is not available in SharePoint Online. Cross-site publishing capability is only available in on-premises deployments.


I recommend you to try this with Power Apps, here are a sample, but for your requirements you need more work, but i thinkt, it's the best way:


Regards, Dave

Hello David, thanks for your response

There's two things I'm still confused about regarding implementing this with PowerApps. The first would be how to have each element of the list have many images, videos and pdf attachments since a list element does not have a type for multi images and multi videos.

The second would be, if what I asked above is possible somehow, how would that translate into PowerApps; would it be possible to somehow show the videos and images of a product in a detail view? I was just looking into powerapps and all I found so far is adding videos manually in the design window

Hello @mhornoloopers 


I can only help in SharePoint questions, but i’m sure, anyone in the Power Apps & Power Automate board can help you. 

Good luck!

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by mhornoloopers (Copper Contributor)

Hello @mhornoloopers


cross site publishing it's an On-Premises feature only: 


This capability is not available in SharePoint Online. Cross-site publishing capability is only available in on-premises deployments.


I recommend you to try this with Power Apps, here are a sample, but for your requirements you need more work, but i thinkt, it's the best way:


Regards, Dave

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