Permission settings only to edit my record

Copper Contributor



I have a List connected with Power Apps, so i have to share permissions with the autors to create and edit. However, if they enter to the list on SharePoint they can edit everything, their own records and those which other users created. In my process this action shouldn't happen ¿Is there some way to set a permission where I can only edit the records that I have created?

5 Replies

Setting Item-level permissions to "only their own" for the list in SharePoint, if not already, could help. Then on user-level you can only edit what you created.

Let us know how it goes.

Could you attatch an image from this setting? @Asku_1 

@jeramirez -

hreby the setting I've referred to. 

I apply tohse setting, but i can edit record created by other users. On the list permissions, everyone on my enterprise have edit permission. @Asku_1 

These settings don't apply if you are a site collection administrator. In that case you can always edit all items.
You have to test that using a different user.