Out-of-date Version (jQuery)

Copper Contributor

I have this vulnerablity report which says i have a out of date jquery which is vulnerable to attacks.

which say the jquery is under sharedhovercard.js


4.1 /_layouts/15/sharedhovercard.js


how do i upgrade the jquery version?

2 Replies

@shehranWe have the same vulnerability. The security scan flagged sharedhovercard.js because it found the following comment at the top of the file: 
/*! jQuery v1.7.2 jquery.com */
We're wondering if Microsoft has a patch for this or not.

@shehran We have the exact same vulnerability reported to have the outdated jQuery updated to the latest version. The security scan flagged sharedhovercard.js because it found the following comment: /*! jQuery v1.7.2 jquery.com */
Could the fix for this be included in the monthly Microsoft patch?