No Enable-SPFeature cmdlet available in Microsoft.Onlie.SharePoint.Powershell module?

Copper Contributor

We have a custom site template in one of our sharepoint tenants that is used to create new projects that our users are working on. We noticed this week that we were unable to create this custom subsite any more, with the error message stating that MobileExcelWebAccess Feature ID e995e28b-9ba8-4668-9933-cf5c146d7a9f needs to now be activated? So I went to both the site collections features and site features section and did not find an entry for this feature. OK looks like I need to connect to powershell.


However, in powershell, I have downloaded the sharepoint online management shell, imported the Microsoft.Online.Sharepoint.Powershell module, connected to the admin site for my sharepoint tenant, but when I try and run the Enable-SPFeature command, I get the error stating it is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.


I run a "Get-Command -module *Sharepoint*" to see what cmdlets I have available, and Enable-SPFeature is not in there.


So I guess, is there a different module that I need to import?







6 Replies

Hi Kylan, the available cmdlets for SharePoint Online are limited. However, the good folks in the Patterns and Practices team at Microsoft have create a module which greatly extends the available cmdlets including "Enable-SPOFeature". 

Checkt it out!

Yeap, alternatively you can use Client Side Object Model in PowerShell too so enable a feature should be easy enough

The "

@Evan Riser wrote:

Hi Kylan, the available cmdlets for SharePoint Online are limited. However, the good folks in the Patterns and Practices team at Microsoft have create a module which greatly extends the available cmdlets including "Enable-SPOFeature". 

Checkt it out!

good folks" have changed the location so the link doesn't work. (((

All PnP Cmdlets are documented here:


The comands have recently been renamed from ....SPO.... to ....PnP...