News web part.... working now

Steel Contributor

Wasn't previously working but now content is editable and news can be populated.  Must not have been quite fully rolled out.  Yet another good step here to enable content rollup and trending/popular/relavent data to be surfaced for everyone.


5 Replies

Looks like you're in the first 10% for the FR release on this.

I'm interested in the technical aspect of this feature, would you care to elaborate?


  • is this the "news.aspx" page in your screenshot, or just a webpart on your current default home.aspx (or other custom page)?
  • Can you show a screenshot of the "edit page" screen for this page and a screenshot of the "insert webpart" UI where the news webpart is shown?
He is an early adopter :P...I'm not seeing this new stuff in any of my tenants

Ok, it's actually working now.  Links were broken and news wasn't showing up but now it's populating.  


First of all, there's default content in there to show what it will look like.  The news actually populates off of other pages.  So when you add another page, it actually uses that page as a news item and does some intelligent content rollup.  We saw that in the previews, didn't we?


There aren't any web part options yet.

  1. News Headlines is the top picture 
  2. The bottom picture is the News List.
  3. Clicking on ADD takes you to a new modern web page.  
  4. After adding content to that new page, it becomes a news item.
  5. Second Newest Item
  6. Third Newest
  7. Fourth
  8. This took me to a page called Home.aspx?news=1  which was basically a blank classic page without content.  Perhaps a work in progress.

No web part settings.  Note, this is just a plain modern page with a web part




Cool, thanks. 

So basically the "Team News" feature is a webpart that aggregates modern site pages chronically from its current site?

Follow up questions:

  • whats the news.aspx page for? 
    • looks like it isn't used, since your url has ?news=1 as a variable value
      • btw: this variable is not enabling the news webpart for me, even though I'm on FR :p
    • might be, that Microsoft wants to offers users the choice betweeen Home.aspx (quicklinks+activity) and News.aspx (news webpart only) ?
  • how fast does the news webpart aggregate new pages?
    • especially if you not use the news part to click add, but instead go to site pages, and use Add Site.
  • does the webpart include sites pages from subsites?
    • interesting from an information architectural view


It'll be interesting to see how Microsoft implements corporate or highlighted news. The SharePoint iOS preview s an indicator that Microsoft sees "News" as SitePages created across different Office 365 Groups/SharePoint sites.  But there is no such implementation for the web ( yet.

Also, what do I do, if I don't think a page is newsworthy, but rather a fancy documentation of something ?

There's a concept of promotion on the sitepages content type.  Guessing they are flipping a flag for news but dont have it in my tenant.  Can you confirm?