Sep 19 2023 10:24 AM
For our Retail HUB site, the news articles are not displaying in chronological order in "See All" and /retail/_layouts/15/news.aspx page.
It is missing pages posted from today until September 6 and some past news articles.
Troubleshooting steps I did:
1. All news pages are published with Promoted 2.
2. No issues showing these pages on the News Webpart.
3. Reset the Library search.
I reached out to support and no help, as they mentioned it is a know issue but this works fine in another site collection, which is not a HUB.
-Can being a HUB site be a issue? I tried to make it a non hub site but did not see any difference.
- See the file naming convention(attached image), could that be a problem?
Any help is appreciated.