Nov 11 2020 07:07 AM
Is anyone else finding that this new 'feature' is giving their users the fits. I have had so many say to me I love the colors, but why can't I copy and paste my choices any more, this is taking me forever to type in each choice. Can we not have both options. It is pretty, yes, but It is not as useful for choices over 5 items. Sure you can do a lookup, but for the average user the choice field is so much more intuitive. Just my thoughts, would love to hear what others think.
Dec 10 2020 07:20 AM
@Diane Fligiel I have the same problem. There must be a workaround, haven't found it yet 😞
Dec 10 2020 09:12 AM
Are you guys referring to copying choice column values from one item and pasting it to another list item in Edit in grid view?
This is working for me if I try to copy the complete cell and paste it in another item's cell. But I cannot copy individual choices (or selective like 3 out of 5 choices) from one cell to another cell.
This is not ideal solution for your question, But if you have multiple choices then you can copy the complete cell, paste it into another item's cell and remove unwanted choices from 2nd cell (I know this is not ideal for scenario where you have to remove more choices than you want to add ).
Hope it helps in some way!
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Dec 10 2020 10:16 AM - edited Dec 10 2020 10:18 AM
@ganeshsanap No, for me it is that I cannot copy/paste a string of ';' delimited email addresses (for example from an excel file - via notepad) into a person/people column (with multiple entries allowed of course) in SharePoint Online. Both list and grid view.
I tried some Googled suggestions such as adding #1;#lastname1, firstname1;#2:@lastname2, firstname2;
Nothing works. Somehow SharePoint wants a TAB or ENTER after each name or email address to resolve it before accepting a second entry. Really annoying.
Jan 14 2021 02:32 PM
@Diane Fligiel You can still add multiple choices simultaneously by copy and pasting, from List Settings > Edit Columns, it will bring up the classic interface.