Jul 20 2021 09:01 AM
I have a 100 accounts that all share the same lists and document libraries organized via metadata for each accounts name. Is there a way to create 100 pages with the same layout and have the filter be set for each page specific to the account?
Much like dynamic filtering except its static on the page, just customized to the specific page. I am trying to avoid creating 100 different list views.
Sep 27 2022 12:07 AM
Sep 27 2022 12:42 AM
@Chrapm1 @joask_eogp It was possible to edit the "current view" shown in list web part on classic experience pages before. But, unfortunately, it is not possible in modern experience pages now.
So, you might need to create one list view per one site page to apply specific column filtering.
Check if below documentation or "dynamic filtering" option in list web part settings helps you somehow: Use the List web part
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Sep 28 2022 05:23 AM
@ganeshsanap The list view is at least partially what I needed!
It would be nice though to have a way to make these more general as I may have to update all the data a couple of times, or add thousands of rows once in a while. I may have to look towards power automate to solve that it seems. 🙂
Thanks for the reply ! Very helpful