Multilingual sensitivity labels in SharePoint Sites, Office Web and MS Team groups

Steel Contributor

I configured multilingual sensitivity labels (the new unified labels). In the Office Client Apps the language detection is fine, the labels are displayed in German. But in SharePoint Sites, Office Web and MS Team groups the sensitivity labels are still in the default language. The preferredlanguage attribute of the user account is fine (de-de). The language change is more than 36 hours ago. Someone an idea how or when the label languages will be changed in other M365 services? 


Thanks for some hints.


5 Replies

@TobiasAT Since you're calling it the preferredlanguage attribute, I assume you are changing it in AAD.  This string maps to the SPS-MUILanguages User Profile property, which is a list but is replaced by a single string when it is synchronized from AAD.  This in turn synchronizes with each individual site, which typically only takes a few minutes.
SharePoint sites, Teams sites, and OneDrive use this value, but to have any effect the language has to overlap with the site or alternate language of the underlying SharePoint site.  Similarly, the Office Web apps often use the language setting from the site where the file being edited is stored.  I would look at the alternate languages of the respective sites, and if that's not it consider changing the profile language using Delve not AAD.  I have seen cases where rapid changes in language get the settings into an inconsistent state, and Delve usually works for getting it to sync again.

Hi @Martin Laplante, correct, in the first instance I use preferredlanguage. And yes, preferredlanguage is synchronized to SharePoint profile service. The SharePoint language setting is also fine. A screenshot to demonstrate the case with Office Web. 



The menu text is German, means the language from SharePoint profile service is reflected to Office Web. The German translation for Sensitivity is "Vertraulichkeit". For the test case I translated Public to Öffentlich. So Office Web should list Öffentlich (instead of Public), Internal,....  

A comparison with the Word Desktop client. The system can work with the translation. In the meantime I think the M365 services do not support MUI labels yet. 😞 Also visible in the mobile apps. The Office mobile app supports MUI labels, Teams app not. 



Hi @TobiasAT 

At this point, I am out of my depth because I am not the one who generally creates sensitivity labels. I see that PowerShell has to be used to create localized versions and that the existing localized versions are not migrated from Azure Information Protection.  I started experimenting with the corporate tenant, but I will start over with a dev tenant when I get more time.

For the 

@TobiasAT We have the same problem in our environment. Do you have more knowledge here in the meantime? Is it really the case that MUI is not yet supported in the web apps?

@Benybunny Unfortunately no change for now, still the same situation in Office Web. I posted an idea into the new SharePoint feedback forum >