Modern Team Site - Record Declaration Settings

Brass Contributor

Trying to change the record declaration settings for a modern team site (/_layouts/15/InPlaceRecordsSettings.aspx) but getting the message "Sorry, you don't have access to this page". I am a global administrator of the tenant. I also can update the record declaration settings for classic team site without any issues.

6 Replies

I'm guessing it is not visible for a reason. Considering that in a modern library there is no declare as record button, and even if you do manage to declare an item as a record it has no padlock icon, in my mind Microsoft are giving us a steer to use labels for the classification of records.

We still should be able to update the site collection record declaration settings since modern sites support classic lists and libraries where record declaration is working as expected. I think it is a bug

We also would like to be able to use our existing records centers with the modern UI.

There is a support article that says that you can do this, this absolutely is a bug and definitely needs to be addressed. Article available here. This has been causing my team a great deal of work over the past week- so the typical default is that the "Block Edit and Delete" is ON, but in some cases this is not true but you cannot change it. 

Our team has solved the issue:
Turns out, the custom script is disabled in Office 365 Group Team Sites and OD4B by default for security reasons.
There are some methods to enable the custom script to allow you change the record settings:
  1. Use the CSOM API (require code to do this)
  2. Use the SharePoint Online Management Shell to change it: Set-SPOSite <SiteURL> - DenyAddAndCustomizePages 1
  3. Use the PNP PowerShell to change it: Set-PnpTenantSite -Url <SiteUrl> -NoScriptSite $false
Just to add, the SharePoint online PowerShell code to change the setting is:
Set-SPOSite -Identity YourSiteUrl -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0