Modern News Pages and Highlight Content Web Part

Iron Contributor

I have created a site column called BlogVersion (choice) and added this column to my site pages library. Most of the pages have the choice column set to "Old" and only the current blog page set to "Current". 


I am trying to use the highlighted content webpart and looking for a managed property which contains blog and the webpart shows BlogVersionOWSCHCS but when I put a value of Current, nothing shows up.


I have tried to re-index the library (office365) and will wait to see if there is a change but am I missing a step?

2 Replies

You are not missing a step, the search on SP Online is still really unreliable, therefore I never rely on anything that is driven by search.


There have been times where items have shown up after days or weeks and some things just get missed.


1) Do a search for the page title, does it show up in the search results?

2) If it shows up in the search results query the search API to see if you can get the property like this'[[page title here remove brackets]]'&selectproperties='BlogVersionOWSCHCS'

3) If it doesn't show up in 1 or 2 log a bug with Microsoft

Thank you for showing me the way to check the search options. I did what you suggested and the key value was present in the xml but doesnt contain the any of the choice values that I have (either 'Current' or 'Old')


- <d:element m:type="SP.KeyValue">
  <d:Value m:null="true" />