Microsoft Lists - Gather related values from list rows

Copper Contributor

Hi there, I'm developing a Microsoft List app that will be embedded in Teams. It contains data brought in from a very long spreadsheet. Users currently use the spreadsheet to find a name and associated email addresses, sometimes many of them from the same organization. They simply copy all the contiguous cells with the required email addresses and paste them into Outlook. My problem is that Microsoft Lists does not allow us to copy cells (email addresses) in the same way. Is there a way to have Lists query the organization and provided a concatenated list of values (email addresses) based on the organization? Any help is appreciated.

1 Reply

Just to clarify, when I say query the organization, I mean query the column with the organization within the same list ... to find all the rows flagged, for example, "DPW," and gather up all the data from the rows in the column marked "email addresses" and present them combined for easier copying and pasting. Thoughts?