Locking folders in sharepoint

Copper Contributor



We have a large SharePoint/TeamSite, with lots of users!  Occasionally a user without purpose moves or deletes a folder. Is it possible to lock certain folders I SharePoint, so users cant move/delete/rename them, but still have unlimited access and rights to the subfolders and files. 

3 Replies

1) credit a custom permission level with read only attributes

2) create a SharePoint security and include those users

3) apply that SharePoint security group to the document library with that permission level @Peaknet 

Just remember that the more complex you keep security in your document libraries, the more complex is going to be the governance of them

@Peaknet  Afraid not, I get asked it a lot. There are a few things that can be done to mitigate the situation if it is causing problems. 


1. Have more document libraries rather than top level folders. 

2. User education to what they are doing. 

3. Train site owners to find and fix issues if you have given them this responsibility. 


In theory you could "lock" the top level folders with permissions and then have the second level folders open to allow users to add/edit/delete files but  I wouldn't recommend doing that as it would be a big admin overhead and a very messy permission model. 


Best advice, educate and trust your users not to do it, which I know is easy said than done.