Local People Results stopped returning anything

Iron Contributor

I have a visual employee directory setup in SharePoint Online based on the "Local People Results (Service)" for my query results like most people here. Been working fine for years. Today.... returns no results. Even if I default to just (Contentclass=SPSPeople).... NOTHING. Anyone else have this issue out of the blue? I haven't touched this page or config in years.

9 Replies

Looks like the content class changed. Once I took that out of my query it all started working.
Same scenario, same issue. I decided to remove contentclass=SPSPeople figuring it would break the query, but it worked.

Not sure why this happened. MS may have changed something? Who knows?
I was surprised at the number of complaints I got.... didn't realize it was used so much at our company. 😛
Did you change this in the "People Search Core Results" web part? I changed "{searchboxquery} contentclass=spspeople" to "{searchboxquery} " but still getting 0 results back. Was there any delay when you made this change? Did the crawl have to run?

Thanks for your help!



I changed it is the "Search Results" property in the "Search Criteria" section. There is that button there to "Change query". I did do a re-index on the site when I was troubleshooting. Maybe that helped but once I removed the contentclass part it worked.


{SearchBoxQuery} (-"sps-usertype":1 AND -"sps-hidefromaddresslists":1 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=4 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=16 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=32 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=8589934592 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=17179869184 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=34359738368 AND -"sps-recipienttypedetails"=2199023255552)



I've got it working now ... I had to change ...

{searchboxquery} contentclass=spspeople     


{searchboxquery} * 


Thanks for checking back in with me.

Hello All, I ran into the same issue. Resolved it by changing my query to read the following:


{searchbox} ContentClass=urn:content-class:SPSPeople


The others suggestions should work as well.

same - removed contentclass:spspeople from my query and it's working again. thanks all!