Is there a way to turn off the default click action on a gallery card?

Copper Contributor

I have created a site page that contains a list that filters another table via Connected Web Parts.


The filtering list view is a gallery view so that the selections look like buttons.

The problem is if the user clicks anywhere on the tile, except the check circle a new window is opened for the item selected from the filter table.

Is there a way to turn off this aspect of the gallery cards? I just want the user to be able to check the circle and not open the details form for each card.

Thanks for helping.

2 Replies


Yes, you can turn off the default click action on a gallery card by using custom code or JSON formatting. Here are a couple of ways to achieve this:

1. Using custom code: You can use the OnSelect property of the gallery card to specify a custom action when the card is clicked. For example, you can set the OnSelect property to "UpdateContext({selectedItem: ThisItem})" to store the selected item in a context variable. Then you can use this variable to perform further actions, such as filtering another table. Here's an example:


<Gallery Items="{YourDataSource}" >
<YourCardTemplate OnSelect="UpdateContext({selectedItem: ThisItem})">
<!-- Your card layout here -->

2. Using JSON formatting: You can use the "customCardAction" property of the gallery card to specify a custom action when the card is clicked. Set the "customCardAction" property to false to disable the default click action. Here's an example:

"$schema": "",
"elmType": "div",
"style": {
"border": "1px solid gray",
"padding": "10px",
"width": "200px"
"children": [
"elmType": "span",
"txtContent": "Title: ",
"style": {
"font-weight": "bold"
"elmType": "span",
"txtContent": "[$Title]"
"customCardAction": {
"action": "false"

With either of these approaches, you can customize the behavior of your gallery cards and disable the default click action.


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@Deleted It seems option #2 does not stop double clicks. I can't find a way to disable that. Additionally in my Edit View, I've even made sure the Title column is selected and not Title (with link to edit item). Do you know a way to stop double click from opening a new tab to view that item?