Increase in unnecesary throttling in Sharepoint online

Copper Contributor
We're using REST API to access customers sharepoint online tenants to perform backup of the content.
Starting July 17 we started to see heavy throttling response on our api request. It's about 10 time more throttling than a day before. There's was no any change in our code at that moment, and we see that behavior across thousands tenants.
Searching in foruls, I saw that another cokpa9have exactly same issue. Looks like it's a bug is Sharepoint Online throttling.

Please advise.
1 Reply

Hi, @SlavaG ,

We started to experience the same throttling issues in September 2019, see the following post with all details: The difference is that we are MIGRATING small sites from SP to SPO using latest out-of-the-box SharePoint Migration Tool.

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